Growing into Me with Bipolar

I’m Back

Hey y’alls, just a quick post to let you know I seem to have moved past the worst of it, and am doing better now, and hopefully even better soon!mixed wild flowers

So, I got a new team at my clinic–new psychiatrist, who is really an MD, not a RN CNP like before.  He is really experienced, really friendly, listens, calls my other docs and therapists so that all are on the same page, and welcomes having them call him as well.  He asked me what I really wanted to do, and I said I wanted to get back on the lithium, and he said right away, no problem!  He just wanted me to check with my nephrologist first, to make sure it wouldn’t be an issue with my acidosis/potassium issues.  So I talked to the nephro, and he said no problem either.  So, soon I will be back on lithium!  WHOO-HOO!  And I think the tegretol I’ve been on since I was in the hospital is better than the depakote, and I am fairly stable right now–at least not suicidal anymore.  So that’s a relief. (Back on my happy pills finally!)happy pills

Also got a new Case Manager, F, and he is really really eager to make sure I do/don’t want to do any groups, understand everything, really willing to help me with Voc Rehab, groups, and understanding all my benefits and options.  Plus, he is available a lot more than my previous Case Managers were.  I am actually signed up to go Bowling (for free) every Monday now, and also to volunteer at a local pet rescue/shelter, both through the clinic.  My new RN (for blood draws and such) is the head RN of all the nurses, and is really cool.  She is mellow, relaxed, and friendly too.  I really like that when I’m getting blood drawn!

The kids are still kinda jerks, but I am less emotional, less trigger-y and reacting less to them now, so we are actually getting along better.  My son finally got his car running again, so I have mine back finally, all to myself.  Now I just need gas money.  Which is hard to come by, as my ex moved out of state and has only just gotten a job.  It’s gonna take about 4-8 weeks for me to get my next child support check, so, things are really tight and I am having to ask my son for gas money so I can make bills.  Ugh.getting child support

I am looking at getting a dog (I already have a cat), but I want a dog as an Emotional Support Animal (no rent, no deposit, can travel with me to wherever I am spending the night) and will be empathetic and sympathetic to my emotions and be a good companion and good support and affectionate.  Plus I will leave the house more if I have to walk a dog.  I have to wait a bit, since I need to pay deposit on the cat since I am adding a (free) ESA dog to the household, and without child support, I just can’t do it right now.  But soon, I hope.  🙂  money down drain

So that is me in a nutshell and I think things are looking up, even though there are still a few wrinkles to iron out.  Ok, they are kinda big wrinkles, but at the moment, I have some hope that it will work out fine soon. I just wanted to let everyone know I am out of the depths of despair, and back on the surface again.What decisions can you make to change your future?

Comments on: "I’m Back" (13)

  1. So happy to hear this- you sound good. And having a good team at your side can make all the difference. I think the ESA dog is a great idea… I have often thought that would help me, but it’s tough to find apts to rent that will let you have pets. Someday though… Keep us posted as you can, lots of support here ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Some really great news. I’m so happy that some things are looking better in the near future. Good luck with everything. Good and healing thoughts to you.


    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s so truly wonderful to hear you are doing better than you were 🙂 and i hope things keep going upwards for you 🙂 You so deserve to be happy!! much love to you x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yay go you! So delighted for you. This is wonderful news to wake up to! So happy you finally got a good team behind you. And yea about the bolling and volunteer work. Dogs are definitely great companions. I hope you can get an ESA soon. XX

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ~meredith said:

    Way to

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow! I don’t even know where to begin. I’m so happy for you on so many levels. I guess the one thing I will so is congratulations on getting a good pdoc. I have a great one too and when I hear so many horror stories from people who have awful ones, it makes me grateful for mine.

    I anticipate hearing great things when your EAS arrives. I look forward to it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ya this is the first good pdoc i have ever really had in over 15 yr. i did have a really great one, but he refused to accept my secondary insurance of medicaid, even tho he really was required to do, since i am dual eligible, and medicaid is required to pay any remaining balances my medicare doesnt pay. anyway, i couldn’t keep up arguing about it, so i only saw him 2x. i had another one who just doped me up, and another who told me i was a drama queen and loved to stir things up and make problems and then complain about them! he was awful! so am really looking forward to working with this new pdoc, and I am starting to wean off tegretol onto lithium today or tomorrow!!! yay! he is serious, listens, and moves fast–no hemming and hawing 🙂


  7. WOW Kat!! What a lot of positive changes. When I was reading this, another post was at the back of my mind; from a few weeks ago when you were almost in despair. This post is the complete opposite. I’m so glad you’re going back on lithium. I remember how positive this was for you. Sometimes we need positive lifts like this to help move us forward.

    Liked by 1 person

    • yep, all those dark days because the old doc took me off lithium. i am so happy with the new one–he asked what i really wanted, and gave it to me. i have not had that happen much in my life, and am glad it happened here.


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