Growing into Me with Bipolar

Crafts for Littles 24

Comments on: "Crafts for Littles 24" (9)

  1. Hi Kat,

    Sorry this is not appearing as a re-blog.

    I am having a problem on my blog for a long time on my resource pagesand so they can’t be reblogged and it is not working, even though I had tried to change the share buttons on all those posts, but they still have a reblog button on each of them. I wish there was a better solution. The only way that I can keep them without a reblog button is to make my blog without the share button on all the posts. Again sorry about this.

    Good and healing thoughts to you.



    • no problems 🙂 thanks for letting me know!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Kat,

        I hope that you will post links to my posts, ones that you like, instead of re-blogging. Again, my apologizes that I couldn’t find a better solution for my problem.

        Good and healing thoughts to you.


        Liked by 1 person

        • maybe its all i can do to sometimes to ‘like’ it and if i think it is awesome enough to be shared, i reblogged. but excu-u-use me! nvrmnd, not following you anymore so you can be happy!


          • I’m sorry that my comment upset you, sincerely. I am sorry. I did want you to know that, by commenting above, that I see you, I notice you, I care about you, and you matter to me. I’m sorry that it hurt you and made you you feel the way that you did.

            I do understand health and mental health issues and chronic pain and in no way was I trying to “tell” you want to do. Just wanted you to know that you are very much cared about and loved and that I do “very much” appreciate you.

            Good and healing thoughts to you.



            • im sorry. you didn’t deserve that.


            • Di verymuch wanted to communicate that I hope you will still be a part pf my blogging space, however you want to. I was trying to explicit and then tend to be didactic. But instead it came across as exclusionary due to your energy levels, but I was trying to comment in a way that was inclusive. I’m sorry, sincerely.

              You are wanted. Reblogs or links not important to me, not at all. I hope that I am communicating this better.

              Good znd healing thoughts to you.


              Liked by 1 person

            • it was not you. it was never you. i didn’t see it, i was already sick and not thinking right. im sorry.


            • Kat,

              I understood. Good and healing thoughts to you.


              Liked by 1 person

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