Growing into Me with Bipolar


This blog is a chronicle of the day-to-day work of rediscovering the real me.  As a child in an abusive home, to a young woman with bipolar disorder, and now learning that I have many different parts, I am in an ongoing venture to finally know who I am.  I am also a mother of 2 wonderful teens who have kept me on the path to discovery.

Comments on: "About" (10)

  1. Kat, A little note to thank you for joining me in my journey (following my blog). I am following your journey and reading your words, it’s like you are in the room with me; telling me your narrative. The words trickling into my vision and I see you, the characters and your sunshine come to life. Very few “authors” can do this for me….thank you thank you for sharing your life as somewhere, someone out there (me) is finding peace within them. Wishing you the best. x

    Liked by 2 people

    • i too am finding many similarities when i read your posts. for whatever reason (DID, bipolar, abuse, etc.) i was much as you appear to be for a very long time. i have, in the last 5 years, drastically changed in that regard. i find where you are to be very captivating, leading to much introspection about myself, as well as curious as to where this journey will take you.



  2. […] The Imagine Award – December 14, 2013 – given by Kat of Me: Finding the Missing Pieces […]


  3. Hey Kat! Would yo like to guest blog on my new site?


  4. It’s very hard to do and hard to stay with but you can recover and begin to feel whole, even
    with the DID.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow, wonderful blog! I hope that you are able to find healing with this blog and continuing to discover yourself.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. […] pinnnnnnggggg* you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you, many are called, but few can be arsed to do anything about […]

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award at You don’t have to enter if you do not want to.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Kat, Trying to understand our pasts can be quite difficult and distressing at times.
    Yet knowledge is power, and very freeing! I wish you well on that journey.
    Hugs Paula xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi!!!
    Thank you for liking my post.. : )
    I hope that today is a better one for you and always remember you are not alone..Look at all of these wonderful people that follow you..and also learn from you sunshine…
    Hope to speak more and get to know you more
    Soft huggs


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