Growing into Me with Bipolar

Posts tagged ‘Blog’

The Imagine Award


First, thanks to greengrowsdark for nominating me for this lovely award ( I especially like the unicorn!)

Second, here are five things I think are really creative on greengrowsdark‘s blog:

+ they frequently use videos which help to explain a topic, so that followers can understand what the issue is, and have great comments/discussions.

+ although they have lots of meaty, serious post topics, they also talk about their day to day life and experience, sometimes humorously, angrily, or sadly.

+ they use a variety of media in addition to videos and writing, such as poetry, photos, and drawings which enhance and really bring out the topic.

+ they show us that they are a real person whose followers can get close to, and form real connections with, from stories of Jack to reviews of movies spent watching with the bf, to issues with doctors and other normal things we all have to deal with too, making it through life however we can.

Ok, next is my list of 5 bloggers who are creative:


There are more who are also creative, but I could only pick 5!


ok the rules for the nominees are:

+ copy and paste the award image to your post

+ thank the blogger who nominated you, and link back their blog to your post.

+ list 3-5 things about the nominator’s blog that you like and that are creative.

+ nominate 5 other bloggers which you think show creativity and imagination.

+ notify your nominees

+ copy and paste the Image Award to your blog page.

Versatile Blogger

versatileblogger111I would like to announce that our blog has been nominated for the ‘Versatile Blogger’ award!  I would also like to give a HUGE, BIG thanks to dissociativebonny for thinking of us, and for including us in this nomination!  Thanks again, dissociativebonny!  (Ha!  I did figure out how to make links! ).  So, according to the rules of this award, I am supposed to do the following:

1) Thank the person who nominated you, and link back to them, (it’s only common courtesy),

2)List 15 excellent blogs/bloggers that you follow and think are great!,

3)Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Ok, the 15 blogs/bloggers I nominate are:

Bonny et als Blog, Many of us’s blog, Big Body Beautiful, brokenbutbeingrepaired, wrongwithlife, Living is Not Mental Illness, Sincerly, Pen,

mytravelswithdepression, Vwoop Vwoop, Kate@DragonWarrior, How Is Bradley, Crazy In The Coconut, Clearlywriting, Bipolar For Life, Licensed Mental Health Counselor.

And 7 things about myself are:

I love cats and dogs.

I like helping people, or taking care of people.

I usually despise cooking.

I love driving, especially on the open road.

I love learning, and don’t think you can ever learn too much.

I love reading, especially for fun, mostly mysteries.

I tend to be a perfectionist, but I’m working on this.

Q & A

Beloved Person, Love, Close Friend

Ok, so I am supposed to answer the following 11 questions, then choose 11 other nominees for this award, then create 11 more questions for the nominees.  Here goes:

1. What is your favorite style of architecture? / What is your favorite style of architecture?

I don’t really have a favorite style of architecture.  I don’t like things that are too pretentious, or don’t blend into their surroundings.  But I like things from ancient farmhouses to slick and shiny skyscrapers.

2. What do you remember from your childhood? / What is a memory of your childhood?

Well, I remember a lot from my childhood.  I remember big snowstorms and drifts that were an adventure to run into or climb on and fall into.  I remember perfect summer days with pretty green and blooming flowers, riding my bike and playing with friends.  I remember lots of others too, but none so nice as these.

3. What animal would you compare you? / If you were an animal, what would it be?

Well, that depends.  One of my parts compares to cats, while my part (me) compares more to a very mellow dog.

4. Do you like the murals? / Do you like the murals?   Yes

5. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? / If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

To make things right.  To protect people from being hurt by stopping the person doing the hurting.

6. There is a movie would you watch every day? / What movie would you watch every day?

Grindhouse: Deathproof

7. What is your favorite comic? / What is your favorite comic?  

I guess Mel Brooks, and any Mel Brooks movie

8. There is a phrase / word you use the most? / There is a phrase or a word That you use the most?

Cool.  Use it way too much probably.

9. If this award were an object, what form it? / If this award were an object, what form it?

The top of a ribbon.

10. What is your favorite room in your home? / What is your favorite room in your home?

Living room

11. What do you think seeing a small child? / What do you think when you finish see a little child?

I feel happy, sweet because of watching how innocent they are.  I wish it will last for them.

Here are the nominees:

Athena, Ivan and the Integral
Crazy in the Coconut
I Was Just Thinking
Kate Is Rising
Living With Bipolar Disorder, DID and Childhood Abuse
my internal hammock
not all about cats
Phoenix Rising
The Beauty of Being Untypical
Who needs normal!?!

And here are my questions to them:

1. What is your favorite thing to do when you have nothing else to do?

2. What is your favorite time of day, and why?

3. Where is your favorite place?

4. Do you like to busy all day, or have your day open?

5. What is your favorite beverage?

6. Do you prefer to eat out, to have dinner made for you, or to make dinner yourself, and why?

7. What is your favorite kind of pet, and why?

8. What is your favorite area of study (professionally or just for fun) and why?

9. What’s the most common thing you talk about with friends and family?

10. Do you have a hobby or pastime, and if so, what is it and why do you enjoy it?

11.  Do you think we should have to do all this to get an award, and why or why not?


Thanks, Tuttacronaca!

Tag Cloud

Dearest Someone

writing through chaos


Keeping positive in a unforgiving world when you are different.

Killing Me Softly: Emotional & Psychological Abuse

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Indisposed and Undiagnosed

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All Things Chronic

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The Invisible Scar

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Many of us's blog

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My Travels with Depression

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Bipolar For Life

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