Growing into Me with Bipolar

Psychiatric Service Dogs

Bipolar For Life

Everyone knows about guide dogs for the blind.  Most people know about “Hearing Ear” dogs for the hearing-impaired.  A few people know about assistance dogs for the physically disabled.  Even fewer know about service dogs that assist diabetics by detecting high or low blood sugar, or Seizure Detection Dogs that can sense changes in brainwaves before a seizure occurs and alert the person so that s/he can get to a safe place and/or take preventive medicine.

Almost nobody knows about Psychiatric Service Dogs.  There has been a bit of a flurry in the press about PTSD dogs for returning veterans,  While the Veteran’s Administration has been vocal about acknowledging the benefit of PTSD Dogs in mitigating the disabling and sometimes disastrous sequelae of combat-induced PTSD, they have nevertheless refused to pay for the dogs, preferring instead to underwrite expensive medicines that often do nothing but sedate the sufferer, without…

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Hugh and #MeToo

well said! brava! i am sorry this happened to you but glad you were strong enough to know how to protect yourself.

Bipolar For Life

For me, innocence ended with my favorite uncle.

He was my favorite because he was funny. Always cracking jokes. And he had a big fancy car, and he owned a music store and a giant color TV with a wooden console, and he let me play pool on his pool table that cost a zillion dollars and even ride the Vespa scooter around the neighborhood.

One day the bubble burst. It was one of those Jewish holidays that lasts a week, and my parents had actually taken me out of school to join the extended family in the New York suburb where Uncle Funny lived. He was married to my mother’s sister. The family was very close-knit.

Suddenly on this particular holiday, Funny Unc just could not keep his hands off my growing butt. Every time I walked past him with the hors d’oeuvres tray, zap! He made it a…

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Just because..



Just because I’m smiling doesn’t mean I am not hurting inside

Just because I’m quiet doesn’t mean I have nothing to say

Just because I’m soft spoken doesn’t mean I can’t roar with the fierceness of lions

Just because I’m coping doesn’t mean I don’t need help sometimes

Just because I’ve done brave things doesn’t mean that I don’t feel weak

Just because I’m healing doesn’t mean I don’t get triggered

Just because you are family doesn’t mean you deserve my love

Just because

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Please Ask your Rapist

The happy Quitter!

Image result for handmaid's tale

We are writing our own version of the Handmaiden’s Tale, and it’s a brutal one. 

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Bipolar For Life

The big news this week swirls around the now Officially Failed horrible Republican “health care bill.” A prime reason for its failure is that the GOP cannot scrape up enough warm bodies to pass it. Prior to the recent defections of two more Senators, one of whom cannot support it because it’s too liberal, is the mysterious illness of Senator John McCain, R-AZ.

Mr. McCain, 81, is recovering from surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, AZ, where he had a blood clot removed from somewhere in his skull. ”Above the eye,” is what the media says, but looking at the structures “above the eye,” I only see places in the skull: the frontal sinuses being the most proximal. Why anyone would have a blood clot there will remain a mystery until someone reveals it.

But never mind that. I want to talk about HOW John McCain got his…

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Bipolar For Life

Declaration of Independence, 1776

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right…

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Some cats are never just happy being a cat. They try to be dogs, they try to be humans and some of them even try to be hamsters. Yes, some cats really do go all out to show their human owners they are more fun than any stupid hamster… Ten Crazy Cats Who Think They…

via Ten Crazy Cats Who Think They Are Hamsters — Top 10 of Anything and Everything!!!

Top 10 Crazy Flavours of Mints That You Won’t Want to Suck onHaving a small pack of mints in your pocket is always handy for those emergency moments when your breath might stink and you need to freshen up. But make sure you don’t accidently buy any of these flavours as they have the opposite…

via Top 10 Crazy Flavours of Mints That You Won’t Want to Suck on — Top 10 of Anything and Everything!!!

Bipolar Bandit (Michelle Clark)


I posed this question in honor of Mental Health Month in my Advocates for People with Mental Illnesses group and FB page Mental Health Advocates.  Here are some answers (anonymously):

  • Health care coverage, insurance! More people working the field that know what they are doing!
  • Better training or vetting for mental health case workers
  •  Access to care.  To explore new possibilities with hallucinations
  • Money, money, money into the right hands. Having mounds of money, endless pockets, would allow everything to happen that is needed.
  •  The laws most of them are made under the impression they are helping them but in the long run it hurts them and the families!! Easier accessibility for appts
     More advocates to change laws!  Evidenced Based Practices need to be taught & implemented.
    Supported employment! We need to provide more career choices and opportunities so that those with mental illnesses can…

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The Top 10 Tallest People to Have Ever LivedDead or still alive, these are the ten tallest people to have ever lived. They are the true giants amongst men as they are all males. But it doesn’t matter what sex they are, what I will be finding out is where they are from and just…

via The Top 10 Tallest People to Have Ever Lived — Top 10 of Anything and Everything!!!

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Dearest Someone

writing through chaos


Keeping positive in a unforgiving world when you are different.

Killing Me Softly: Emotional & Psychological Abuse

Now that physical abuse is in the limelight and punishable by law, abusers have resorted to more insidious forms of control. The effects are just as destructive, more enduring, and more difficult to overcome.

Therapy Bits

Living life with dissociative identity disorder and complex ptsd

Indisposed and Undiagnosed

the invisible illness

All Things Chronic

Things I Learned In Therapy

a blog for posterity.

The Invisible Scar

raising awareness of emotional child abuse and offering hope for adult survivors

Precious Things

The path to healing is not a yellow brick road...


An anxiety and depression blog

The Bipolar Codex

Kate McDonnell: Art, design and bipolar disorder

The Demons Of My Insane Sanity


My Minds Inside, Living with D.I.D

I am a young Female who is diagnosed D.I.D, and PTSD, welcome to my world.

Many of us's blog

Living life with dissociative identity disorder and complex PTSD

My Travels with Depression

A journey through therapy


The immeasurable terrors of her mind...

Bipolar For Life

Memoirs of a Wounded Healer

Top 10 of Anything and Everything

Animals, Travel, Casinos, Sports, Gift Ideas, Mental Health and So Much More!

A Canvas Of The Minds

A unique collaboration of different perspectives on mental health and life