Growing into Me with Bipolar

Posts tagged ‘New Year Resolution’

Resolutions…Sure, for New Year’s

I am making several resolutions this year, and am very excited about it, since I can’t remember the last year I even made any.  So, I really can’t wait to start on these resolutions, and I just thought I’d share them here.

  • I am going to sleep in on school mornings, since my kids are 17 (and drives a car) and 15 (and takes the city bus), and don’t really need me to tell them to brush their hair or put on clothes anymore.
  • I am going to quit celebrating major holidays anymore, since my kids seem to think they are too grown up for them and don’t want to participate.  This is especially great, as I will save money on decorations and gifts!
  • I am going to quit making a nice family sit-down dinner every night for us to eat together and enjoy our company, catch up on our days, and get well fed.  This is because apparently, when you are a teenager, you no longer think its acceptable or cool to eat with your mom, even if that means you don’t eat.
  • I am going to quit expecting my kids to listen to anything I say, especially if it is NOT an instruction.  So, if I wanted to talk about something that interests me, I won’t from now on, because they don’t want to listen to me, even if they don’t have anything else to do.
  • I am going to listen to my kids less.  That means that since I always give them my full attention whenever they have anything they want to talk about, from now on I’ll give them as much attention as they give me when I want to talk.  I’m going to just hear enough to get the jist of it, and have nothing to say.

I’m sure I’ll come up with a few more, but those are a few just to get me started.  I’m pretty excited about how easy they seem to be to accomplish.  I think that was the problem I had before with resolutions and was why I quit making them–because they were hard to accomplish.  You know, like  trying to lose weight, trying to work out, trying to save money.  I think the right way to make resolutions that you can accomplish is to make them ones that suit you and make you happy to do.  I’m going to keep trying to make ones like I have this year and am pretty sure I will accomplish them and do it happily!

Happy Holidays All

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