Growing into Me with Bipolar

Posts tagged ‘Space’

Everything is moved

Now, for the cleaning and the unpacking.

Our new place is a 2bd 2ba, and our old was a 3bd 2ba.  The difference in size is 300sf less for the new place, which about figures to the size of a bedroom.  So I was kind of thinking I would have the same amount of space in the rooms.  But boy, was I wrong.  My kitchen , well, I’m not even sure I’ll have enough room for the food I currently have on hand.  And most likely, I’m gonna need to shop weekly, bc even tho my frig is the same dimensions as the old one, it has way way less space on the inside the way the shelves are designed.  So, no more every 2 week shopping for me.  I can’t put that much milk in this fridge, much less anything else!

And there are no closets, well, other than the 2 bedroom clothes closets.  No pantry.  I don’t know where to put my Christmas stuff, and other stuff we use infrequently.  In the main bathroom, there aren’t even any drawers or cupboards.

Oh well, I’m sure we’ll figure something out and everything will find its place.  Just makes it more challenging to unpack!  Overall, I think this place will work out, and I think we’ll do well here.

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