Growing into Me with Bipolar

Posts tagged ‘Section 8’

Government F*%$k-ups

So I apologize ahead of time, but I just had to f-ing RANT!

So, I’ve been on the waiting list for housing assistance voucher program for like 5 years, and I make just under the limit.  So today I get a letter from them telling me I make 2.5x the limit!  HOW THE FUCK DO THEY GO FROM ‘X’ AMOUNT TO ‘2.5X’ AMOUNT????   I get Social Security Disability and child support only, and I am CLEARLY UNDER THEIR LIMIT, meaning I QUALIFY for a voucher!  But somehow they have decided that I must be getting more than double that and am no longer on the list!!!  How do they go from a number in the mid $20k to a number in the mid $40k?  I am SO ANGRY!!!   Mostly because I am scared, scared I can’t keep living where I am, because I thought it would be temporary and I would get a voucher.  What am I going to do now?  What about the kids?  I can’t take this.  This stresses me out too much, this makes me too scared, terrified.  Which makes me too ANGRY!  And all of this feelings make me feel powerless, out of control.  And that makes me feel like giving up, because fighting seems so pointless.  I will try to fight inside the means they allow.  But if I don’t prove that I don’t make all that tons of money, I will only have left the option of giving up, giving in, being left powerless to control my own life, my own fate, except of course for one option…which is not possible now, so, (unfortunately?) no worries on that.  WHY CAN’T PEOPLE JUST DO THEIR JOBS, AND DO THEM RIGHT?  WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS THINK ITS OK TO BE LAZY, TO SLACK OFF, TO NOT DOUBLE CHECK, BUT JUST SLAP THE PAPER RANDOMLY, WHEN THEIR FAILURE TO DO THEIR JOB RIGHT AFFECTS PEOPLE’S LIVES, AFFECTS IF PEOPLE ARE HOMELESS OR NOT?? WHY CANT PEOPLE JUST DO WHAT THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO, WHAT THEY GET PAID FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE???  THIS IS WHY I F*&^KING HATE PEOPLE!!! THIS IS WHY I F*&^KING HATE LIFE!!

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