Growing into Me with Bipolar

Posts tagged ‘Back pain’

Ok, This Makes Sense?

Ok, so I have been taking vicodin for periodic flare ups of my back pain, since 1999 when I developed 2 ruptured discs in my low back.  So, here I have been with my current doc that prescribes it for me for about 3 years.  Since I usually only request it every other month or 3, she usually does not make me give a urine sample, (cause I obviously use it infrequently, since I could refill it every month).  So, she knows I’m not abusing it, so she doesn’t make me drop pee.  Also, since I am obviously not abusing it, she has begun allowing me to just phone in that I need her to refill it at the pharmacy.  This had been going fine.

Today, tho, when I called to ask her to call in the vicodin to the pharmacy, suddenly I’m required to make an appointment (gotta wait 2 weeks just to get in—thank god I’m not in excruciating pain and stuck in bed, unable to turn over or even breathe without massive waves of pain).  So, after having to wait that long, now, I have to give a pee sample as well!

So, the only sense I can make out of this, is, if I requested the vicodin every 30 days, then, there would be none of this waiting for an appointment or dropping pee every time.  I would just get it called to the pharmacy.  The people who are calling for it every 30 days are the people who are more likely to be the ones who are abusing it, and stockpiling it.  Then there are people like me, who obviously are not abusing it, because we are getting only 60 pills in a 90 day period.  You can’t abuse a drug by not having enough of it in a time period!!  How can I possibly be more suspect of abuse by NOT refilling my pain pills for 90 days, than those who are refilling it as soon as possible, every time at 30 days?

So, because I don’t use it often enough, I am the one who is suspect and must now provide urine every single time i need a refill, even if it’s been more than 90 days since I last refilled.  Now, I have to wait weeks for an appointment just for this honor!!  While the ones calling in on the earliest possible day every single month are not even questioned or looked at twice.  Gee, I hope I don’t wake up and find that even moving my head sends waves of pain and nausea thru my entire body, because not only would I have to make an appointment at least 2 weeks out, I couldn’t even get myself to it since I can’t even turn my friggen head!!


It just seems that the ones who are the least abusive of the system are the ones being penalized, while those actually abusing the system don’t even get looked at twice.  But that’s how so many things are now adays.  Stopping disabled people with and without service dogs and making them give up their animal, remove their belt, get out of their wheelchair instead of letting this people thru with dignity and respect and allowing all kinds of other people to go thru without even a second look.  This is obviously not the way for TSA at airport security to catch the real terrorists—it is doubtful the person with amputated legs or in a wheel chair, or with a service dog are packing bombs strapped to their chests or on the chair or on the dog.  But by all means, stop the most needy, least suspicious people.  And by all means, don’t let those of us in need of pain pills who obviously are not abusing them, get them.  Please, yes, thank you, we so love all the barriers you have put up to get them, while you let others thru without care.

Ok, sorry about the rant.  I’m just so disgusted by this behaviour in all parts of our lives, I just had to get it out!

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